Tuesday Jun 25, 2024

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Still Go, Go, Going 31 Years Later!

Teenagers with attitude, cool dinozords that combined to transform into a powerful robotic Megazord, and alien villains in spandex. What was there NOT to love about the “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?” 

Go, go! with us back to Angel Grove in the year of 1993 when the original Power Rangers were first recruited by Zordon to take on the evil Rita Repulsa. In this fun episode we’ll explore how the phenomenon of the Power Rangers first began. 

How was the show created as a mash-up of an American cast performing a new storyline combined with battle footage from a popular Japanese show? What challenges did the actors have to face in the audition process? Why has there been such a big turnover with the Power Rangers cast over the years? And is there any truth to the rumored Power Ranger Curse?

These are just a few of the questions we discuss in this Morphinominal episode! The show is also available on your favorite podcast app and the Scandal Water Podcast YouTube channel. 

*A big thank you to Ron Wasserman, creator and performer of the original “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” theme song, for his audio clip! 

Thanks also to Camden and Bri for their shout out.  

MID-ROLL AD: Where do YOU listen to Scandal Water? Send your shout outs to ScandalWaterPodcast@gmail.com 

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